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Criminal Defense

Is fighting criminal charges worth the effort?

If you are facing criminal charges in Texas, you may be wondering whether it is worth your effort to fight them. The legal process can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive, leading some defendants to consider pleading guilty just to put a matter behind them (or,...

Does the state need proof of injuries in simple assault cases?

Assault is perhaps the least serious of all violent criminal offenses regularly prosecuted in Texas. Assault charges vary in severity and simple assault is the least serious. Individuals accused of simple assault may question whether their situation justifies criminal...

Criminal Defense Lawyers Protecting Rights in Texas

When you're facing criminal charges in Texas, it can feel like the whole world is against you. But remember, you have rights, and those rights need to be protected. That's where comes in. Our San Antonio criminal defense lawyers are here...

What is DWI ? (“Driving While Intoxicated”)

Did you know that over 1/2 a million people ask Google what is DWI, every single month! This article explains what DWI is. It also offers comparisons of what DWI is in Texas as opposed to 4 other States of the U.S. “DWI” stands for the crime of Driving While...

