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Spousal Maintenance

Definition of Alimony (Spousal Maintenance)

At , we regularly hear questions about alimony in Texas. It's important to understand that in Texas, what many people refer to as "alimony" is actually called "spousal maintenance." Maintenance can have a significant impact on the quality...

Duration and Ending Spousal Maintenance

As Texas family lawyers at , we understand that questions about the duration and termination of spousal maintenance are common among our clients. Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of how long spousal maintenance typically...

Minimum Reasonable Needs Lack Sufficient Property

As experienced Texas spousal maintenance attorneys at , we often encounter clients dealing with the concept of "minimum reasonable needs" and "lack of sufficient property" in spousal maintenance cases. These terms are important in...

Calculating the Amount of Spousal Maintenance

As experienced Texas family lawyers at , we often field questions about spousal maintenance, particularly regarding how the amount is calculated. Here, we will look into the factors and considerations that go into determining the amount of...

