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Assault And Battery Defense From Experienced Texas Attorneys

If convicted on criminal charges involving assault in Bexar County, Texas, you can expect harsh penalties. A sound defense by The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC team can help prevent this worst-case scenario.

Based in San Antonio, our defense lawyers offer premium legal representation for those accused of assault and battery. We are highly experienced in and out of the courtroom, ensuring you receive round-the-clock representation throughout your case. Let us guard your rights and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Types Of Assault Charges

Under Texas law, assault generally refers to the threat or attempt to cause physical harm, while battery involves actual physical contact or harm.

Assault charges you may face in San Antonio:

  • Simple assault: Causing bodily harm, threatening imminent harm or offensive physical contact.
  • Aggravated assault: Causing serious injury or using or exhibiting a deadly weapon.
  • Domestic assault: Assault against a family or household member, or someone in a dating relationship.
  • Sexual assault: Involves nonconsensual sexual contact or behavior, including rape.

Understanding the nature and severity of the charge you face is crucial in building an effective defense strategy.

Legal Penalties For Assault In Texas

The penalties for assault convictions vary depending on the severity of the charge. For simple assault, penalties may include fines, community service, probation and jail time.

Aggravated assault carries much harsher penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, substantial fines and a permanent criminal record. The consequences of an aggravated assault conviction can be life-altering, affecting your ability to find employment, housing and more.

Common Defenses Against Assault Charges

There are several defenses to consider, including:

  • Self-defense: You acted to protect yourself from imminent harm.
  • Defense of others: You acted to protect another person from imminent harm.
  • Consent: The alleged victim consented to the conduct, though this defense may not apply in cases of serious bodily harm.

Other possible defenses include lack of intent, mistaken identity or insufficient evidence.

Importance Of Legal Representation

A criminal defense attorney is essential when facing assault charges. Our lawyers can help you understand the involved legal procedures, gather evidence and build a strong defense. Throughout your journey through the Texas justice system, we stand ready to advocate for your best interests.

Call For Immediate Guidance

For a robust defense and experienced representation in San Antonio, call us at 210-740-0281 to schedule a confidential consultation.