Providing Divorce Services For Military Members
Perhaps it’s the time apart that can happen between spouses in the military or the intensity of the job. Or maybe it’s that spouses rushed into the marriage before deployment. Often, military spouses needing a divorce express a sense of absolute alienation from the other spouse and a great deal of loneliness in the marriage. If you are a member of the military and are in need of a divorce, know that you are not alone.
“Ever try moving 4,000 miles with three kids, a very pregnant wife and a large dog with only six weeks’ notice?…That alone could make or break you as a couple. Now, try doing it a half-a-dozen times or more over the course of a marriage. You either learn to work together or you break apart trying.” – A military spouse’s quote from the Huffington Post
Whatever the reason, if you have decided it is time to get a divorce, our lawyers at The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC can assist you through the process.
Military Divorce Discount
At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our team manages many simple, uncontested divorces for military members.
If the following factors apply to your case, then you are eligible for our military divorce discount:
- Either you or your spouse has resided in Bexar County, Texas, for the last six months or more, or you are in the military and stationed elsewhere, but your home county is Bexar County.
- You and your spouse want to be divorced, and you agree on the terms of your divorce.
- You or your spouse is an active duty military member.
Our team appreciates our service members and the sacrifices that they have made for our country. Contact us to learn more about our military divorce discount.
Our Divorce Services For Military Members
As a military member, you have unique circumstances that must be considered when preparing your divorce. At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, in San Antonio, our attorneys understand the challenges you face and know how to address them throughout the divorce process.
For military members going through a divorce, we offer the following services and benefits:
- A Texas family lawyer who cares about you and your case and who can easily be reached
- Professional drafting of all necessary legal documents
- A lawyer to attend your trial date with you and finalize your divorce
- A divorce that takes only 61 days (the fastest amount of time in which it can take a person to get legally divorced in Texas)
For military divorce clients who have an agreed divorce (meaning both spouses will sign papers), the entire divorce can be completed online without any necessary appearances for signatures. Our lawyers work to have the final hearing waived as well.
Military Retirement During Divorce
You’ve been married for years – which may seem like a lifetime. Now, you’ve come to the end, and you need to know what is going to be whose. You don’t want to be unfair, but you need your future protected, too.
In Texas, the military retirement benefits that you accumulated during your marriage will most likely be considered community property (belonging to both you and your spouse). In other words, during a divorce, there is a part of retirement benefits that a spouse has a right to ask for.
However, the military will not award more than 50% of your pension to your spouse. In Texas, the specific amount will depend on how long you’ve been in the military and how long you’ve been married. The longer you’ve been married, the greater the percentage will be awarded to your spouse – up to 50%. The state calculates the spousal award of military pensions by using a formula that functions to compare the service member’s total number of months married on active duty with the total number of months that the military member has toward credible military retirement.
Let Our Team Help Take Care Of You
At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our team takes pride in guiding our military service members through the complexities of filing for divorce in San Antonio. To learn more and schedule a consultation with one of our divorce attorneys, call us at 210-740-0281 or fill out our online contact form.